
小騎士 (5歲10個月28天)
原以為 Ryder的幼稚園沒有要舉辦美語故事比賽,

加上弟弟前陣子生病, 三不五時在請假,
且時常晚到校, 以致一早的英文課都沒上到, 更沒練習到...

我一直到比賽前一週才知道 Ryder也有要參加, 呵~ 

雖然, 第一段的內容就講錯,
但, 還是勇敢講完了, 所以算不錯嘍!

Date :  2014/ 6/ 9 Mon.

Hello, everyone.
I am Ryder.
Today, my story is Lucky. 

Lucky likes to run.
He runs in the living room.
He runs in the bedroom.
He runs in the kitchen.
No. No. Lucky.
Don't run inside.

Lucky likes to bite.
He bites the shoes.
He bites the newspaper.
He bites the mailman.
No. No. Lucky.
Don't bite.

Lucky likes to hide.
He hides in the cabinet.
He hides under the bed.
He hides under roof.
No. No. Lucky.
Don't hide.

Lucky likes to play.
He plays with the ball.
He plays with me.
Yes. Yes. Lucky.
Good dog.

Thank you, everyone.

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  •   Grace華 於 2014-06-30 18:47 1F
  • 今年的聲音有比較大聲囉!有進步!!!
  • 版主於 2014-07-02 12:55 回覆